Monday, May 12, 2008

This is the sweet life

This is the sweet life
Originally uploaded by bryce.randle
I know, I know. I am a bad parent for putting my kid in front of the TV for some time in the morning. He gets some crackers, milk, his blanket, and then he wants to watch a Little Einsteins episode. Today he watched his Disneyland Fun Sing Along Songs DVD. I was on the phone with Rimage about the duplicator (getting a new drive for free- again) and I came out and he was comfortably watching this DVD- upside down. He knew I thought it was funny so he stayed until Nancy got out of bed to see him.


The Shark said...

That's an original. I wonder if there's anything to gain by doing that, like playing a record backwards to hear a hidden message...

Unknown said...

I wish someone would have given me crackers, milk and let me watch a movie in the morning...your the bestest dad ever.