Our Christmas Tree made it home! We went to the very lovely Home Depot and picked out our tree on Saturday. Here are some pictures. I think the guy (who was very nice) thought I was crazy for taking pictures during the process, but when I'm buying a $30 plant that only lasts one month, I need to capture every moment of it.
On the way home (a slow process), Derek discovered that one of the strings was tied tight enough to make a note. It was hilarious.
And this is a shot from our balcony. I love how the tree is almost as big as the car. Now I need to post a picture of it decorated. Only one guess on the color scheme!
Your kid is so stinkin cute.
red! red! I wish we had a real tree this year, they're so fun and so aromatic!
I remember those days - live trees that would stay soft, fragrant and fresh for about fifteen minutes after I'd lit them, and then make me worried about burning the house down for the next three weeks. But hey, I know that there are actually people who don't put 2400 lights on their trees. Oh, the smell. I miss the smell.
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