Thursday, May 14, 2009

Into the Light

I went to Los Angeles this week for a short trip to visit some potential clients and reconnect with some friends at Disney while I had the week off a the LDS Motion Picture Studio. One experience that I had that sticks out in my mind happened right after I met a family friend who is Director of Photography for breakfast. He wanted to show me this editorial house in Burbank where he had always edited his corporate work. 

As we were leaving, one of the part owners (I think) pulled up. My friend hadn't seem in him some time, but the man, probably in his 50's, looked very sad. Bob, our family friend, asked him "Hey, how's it going?"

He responded quickly. "It sucks. My wife passed away 45 days ago."

What do you say to that? All I saw on his face was despair. I don't know what the man has gone through in the past month and a half, but it's had me thinking. 

The next day was Wednesday and I flew back to Utah for my 4th wedding anniversary. Every couple of hours I think about what that man said. I am so grateful to know that my marriage will last beyond the grave. Thank you Nancy for saying yes. Love you, babe. 

And yes, for those of you who wondered what we did. We watched the season finale of LOST. It was awesome. 


Nancy said...

Love you too, dude. Thanks for putting up with me. :D

Leslie said...

Happy Anniversary.

Leslie said...

Tonight as I left for the grocery store, Ster said, "I need deodorant."

I asked him what kind. "the same kind Bryce uses."

I said "Okay, but Bryce hasn't lived here for 6 years. What kind do you want?"

Seriously 6 years. Doesn't seem that long.

ScottB said...

Love the deod comment. Also great post.

All the trivial parts of life vanish when things like death come up. It re-focuses, grounds, and humbles us. Just lately I've come to realize how real the opposition in all things really is. Eternal marriage and families are such a wonderful blessing. Overcoming challenges, receiving joy, and serving in His name is all that matter, but remembering to is so difficult as there are a lot of distractions. Good thing we can take one day at a time.

Thanks for being a great example guys. Happy 4th anniversary!

The Shark said...

Perfect way to spend an anniversary! LOST! YES!!!!

Ginna said...

Youguys are so cute.
I'm glad you're my cousins. Good job getting that awesome girl bryce!

K said...

You lucked out, neph. That girl is one in a million. And she loves you so much. And we all love her so much. Of all the great things you will have done in the end, seeing her - who she is - and securing her as your partner for always? The best.