Monday, June 29, 2009

Lame Blogger

I am quite the lame blogger.

I know, it's awful. I spent quite the time blogging about the Anaheim Ducks at and I started theducksblog a couple months ago, right before the playoffs. Then I was invited by to be their Ducks guy.

I am also trying to do things and add now and then With so much to write, I get a little overwhelmed and just shut down.

I have also been working at the LDS Motion Picture Studio and Rivetal in Orem more than full time between the two. So while doing those I just ran out of time to keep up on these blogs.

So yes, now you write about how "when I grow up for real I won't have time for anything" or you can just say "thanks for keeping us posted."



Heidi said...

Thanks for keeping us posted.

Gaskin Girl said...

Just make Nan do it. Or Derek. He's on the computer enough that he ought to DO something with it. :)