Derek has been repeating prayers lately. I am sure it is because of his awesome nursery leaders. He loves nursery.
Tonight he was saying a prayer at Family Home Evening (Family Night is always Mondays. We have a little lesson, play games and then have a treat sometimes). We were teaching/telling him how to pray again tonight and he said "Father," and then looked down and so gracefully picked up a Cheez-It! cracker.
Our eyes were half closed (kind of) and we saw him pick up this cracker with such care and then just take a good bite out of it. Hilarious. It was like it was going to be his last Cheez-It! ever. As soon as he swallowed the chewed up cheesy goodness that is condensed into a 1 inch squared piece of crunch, he continued with the prayer.
Funny kid.
It seems like Derek has inherited Bryce's ability to be working on 20 things at once. Although I do have to admit that I might be sidetracked by a Cheez-It too. Tasty!
I'm sure my boys would agree that yummy snacks have the power to draw down the powers of heaven. The kind of crackers they ate seems to be the only thing they can remember about Primary or Nursery every Sunday!
How did you not burst into laughter? That's hilarious.
nancy, i am really glad you posted your blog on fbook. derek seems like the most adorable kid! my blog is
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