Do you like the new header? I had a hard time choosing a picture (and a new background that looked boy-ish enough!) It is a picture of Derek at the ice rink. Bryce took him there while I was at the new IHC hospital in Murray visiting my Grammie in the Neuro ICU.
You can read more about that here at a blog my mom is managing.
**UPDATE** Grammie opened her eyes today and the doctor says she can see out of the left eye. She talks and responds to questions! She is moving her left hand when asked. YAY!
I debated writing this post or not -- I'm not very good at telling people when my family is sick. Or talking about when my family is sick. Or dealing with the fact that my family is sick. But I am continuously thinking and praying for her, making for a lame blog post about something I'm not really thinking about if I say something else. But my family has only seen real blessings when we're really sick. So hey, there are positives.
Bryce and I visited her last night (thanks to Derek's awesome Grandpa Rock Star and Grandma Leslie and Best Friend Aunt Jennifer.) She is making real progress and we just hope she continues moving in the right direction.
My Grammie is the most independent and faithful person I know. It took a lot of strength for her to finally have her knee surgery, and now she is still strong. Now we are watching the Lord do His thing and provide us with the strength we need.
Love ya, Grammie.

I think Grammie would like this one.
Nice post Nan. The pictures are hilarious! I especially love the fact that you are both wearing "mom jeans" in the 1992 pic. Awesome!
Grammie really is an awesome grammie and we are lucky to have her. I am glad that she is doing better!
Have fun at the family pics.
:) Heidi
P.S. I like the new blog design and I LOVE the new pic of Derek-so cute!
I hope your Grammie continues to do better. What a traumatic experience, but I'm glad to read she's healing well.
I'm sorry to hear about your Grammie, but glad to know she's recovering. We'll be praying for her and your family!
As I look at these pictures, I suddenly realize that my own grandmothers were not around when my kids were born. I have one picture of me with my mom and her mom, Gin in my arms - my grandmother looks a little desperate in the picture because she has no idea who we are or why she has to stand with us. It's the only picture of my grandparents and my kids. And none of them cared to hear about the gospel. So I think you're rich. And I think your Grammie is, too.
I like the photo we talked about last night. I may have a frame it you want to get a larger one made...
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