Posted by Nancy at 10:20 AM 8 comments
I did this random things note the other day and thought I would make it a blog post too. Sorry if you've already seen it!
1. I haven't seen Star Wars very many times, but I know all of the quotable quotes because of my brother-in-laws (and husband). Nerds.
2. My left foot is bigger than my right foot. Most of the time it's not a big deal, but I've learned my lesson to not pretend one is the right size when it's not.
3. I love my steak cooked medium rare. And I promise, you like it that way too, you just have to try it.
4. I hate doing laundry. The worst. But I don't mind doing dishes. Weird.
5. I have a few brands that I'm 100% loyal to -- Winder Farms, Charmin, Tide and Apple.
6. Oh, Apple. If you told me 5 years ago I wouldn't really know how to use a PC now, I would have laughed. But it's true, I'm totally a Mac user. Thanks again, Bryce.
7. I've never been outside the country or driven across the country. I'm sure I'll get to Brazil with Bryce one day, but I would like to never drive across the country. Ugh. (see #8) I've have been to Hawaii and all over the East Coast.
8. I get car sick.
9. I don't really have time to be doing this, but it's a good Sunday evening activity.
10. I'm a coupon cutter. But a coupon isn't really worth it if it's under 25¢. Too much work.
11. I know all the words to It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine) by REM. Dani and I had some time when we were 15.
12. I LOVE the color red. It's pathetic. I have a hard time choosing a different color. I never WEAR red though, I'm at Target too often and hate being mistaken for an employee. But I would probably know the answer to your question, just don't steal whatever thing it is I want that is on clearance. Those little clearance tags are red too, now that I think about it.
13. I love to design. The hours fly by when I'm doing it and I like to think I'm not half-bad at it.
14. When I was younger I loved I Love Lucy. I wanted to learn the trivia and the facts, so I did. Now I don't remember much.
15. I waited for my missionary. It was worth it, now that it's over.
16. I have a 6-year-old sister-in-law that is often mistaken as my daughter. I do have a little boy, Derek, who is pretty dang cute.
17. I don't really forget things (like birthdays and appointments), but I INEVITABLY forget something as I'm walking out the door. Just ask my roommates, it's their favorite thing. It totally sucks now that I live on the third floor.
18. I worked in restaurants growing up. Now I tip too much.
19. I love music. The reason Bryce and I kept hanging out before we were dating was I would choose his car over our other friends -- he would play U2 on the tape deck CD player for me. Ah, the days of being 16. My top three: U2, Collective Soul, and The Killers.
20. LOST. You may think it's just a dumb show about a plane crash on a deserted island, but let me tell you, this is NO Cast Away. It's awesome. Another stellar show introduced by my sister Heidi (also attributed: The West Wing, Arrested Development and ER. I showed her The Office and 30 Rock though, so we're almost even.)
21. Oh, I started watching ER a long time ago. Too long ago. I always meant to stop watching it, but now it's the last season. Then I'll stop watching.
22. I have STICK-STRAIGHT hair. No curl at all. I got a perm when I was in HS and it fell out in less than a week.
23. I like the newspaper and the 10:00 news.
24. For the record, I introduced Bryce to In 'n' Out even though he grew up in California.
25. I paid extra for my vacuum to be red. I told you it was pathetic.
Posted by Bryce at 8:17 AM 2 comments
Posted by Bryce at 9:04 AM 3 comments
Yes. It worked. I am now enjoying a free Playstation 3.
The whole thing worked out. I got eight people to sign up for an offer each (most of them free offers like a credit report or a low cost trail of GameFly or Netflix) and after the system processed the order, I got my PS3 in about four days. I signed up around December 9th and started a Blockbuster free trial.
I got a few relatives and friends to sign up for some offers, mostly Blockbuster. This is where we hit a problem though and I started to get discouraged. Blockbuster offers never processed and I gave up. I had eight people sign up and about half of them signed up for Blockbuster. I never heard anything back and I figured I would just stop.
I changed my mind when I did a free credit report instead. That offer processed immediately. Then Jared Moench did a trial of GameFly and I got excited about it again. I got the rest of my friends (and Aunt Whitney!) to sign up for credit reports and GameFly because I knew those worked.
I had my PlayStation 3 by January 30. It is awesome. That's a $400 machine for free!
Now I am working on a Wii and I am 20% there. I completed my offer and now I need five more people to sign up. I would recommend Netflix, GameFly, or a credit report with "Credit Check Total."Thanks for helping me out everyone!
Posted by Bryce at 12:47 PM 1 comments