Some things never change. Derek had a break down this morning: his blanket couldn't come with him in the tub. Remember this blog post? This time I tried to get a washcloth and explain to him that when things get in the tub, they get soaking wet. Nice try, mom. Instead we took a short bath and miraculously the blanket was still around when we were done. Who did he get this blanket love from anyway? (Ha. My baby blanket is in shreds and that is the only way I remember it.)

Kids shouldn't take any baths whatsoever. They could grow up with a fear of water and could drown.
Just letting you know how I feel about what goes on while I am working outside the home.
That is hilarious and adorable! I'm glad you thought to document the tragedy; those photos will always make for good entertainment.
Derek you are too silly! And, too cute! You crack me up.
Nan, that was an awesome little photo documentation of the incident-well done.
Keep up the awesome parenting! You rock!
K, I dare you to make a negative comment.
My one-year-old nephew has a big attachment to his blanket too. His twin sister could care less about blankets though. Maybe the boys just want to be like Linus or something. :)
Oh D-Dog! Sometimes life is just so doggone hard! Your Mommy loved her blanket just as much. Here's hoping yours holds up better than hers did!
Grandma Diane
I wish I had a blanket RIGHT NOW. Well, I do have one, but I wish I was ASLEEP under it. Heartless people, to take pictures of a child who is so distraught. I would NEVER do that. (HAHAHAH)
Look at that pitiful miserable face! Max tried to make that face at me a couple of days ago, I laughed outloud and he got so mad at me! he's like "It's NOT FUNNY mom!" you know, with tears running down his face. It was still funny.
Anyway I love minky too. So soft and wonderful. In fact I think I might take my minky blanket in the shower with me tomorrow morning. Thanks for the idea Derek.
That's too funny! I love the teary eyed photos!!!
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