Saturday, November 14, 2009

I may have mentioned it before, but I love Target

Well, they got me again. I love Target. Oh, passionately love. The sales, the clearance, the totally-cool-looking-things-that-look-like-Pottery-Barn-for-a-fraction-of-the-price, the clearance, the prices, the many checkout lanes, the red logo, the open aisles, the lack of lame music playing, the fact that nothing is stacked on the top shelf (except toys at Christmas), the cool phones that make people come to you in 30 seconds (or the voice record lady will get mad), the clean bathrooms, the cheap food, the clearance, the lighting, the selection, and, well, I could go ON AND ON AND ON AND ON. I LOOOOOOVE Target.

Then they put out this totally cool and awesome Thanksgiving commercial staring another Nancy. I love my name and I love Target. Could I POSSIBLY be their TARGET audience? Good thing I studied advertising in school or they may have got me. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot: I love Target advertising too.

Here is the commercial:

I can't decide if the cut-out paper turkey leg or answering the door with a bowl and a whisk it my favorite part. Hahaha.

On a side note, when I was in school I did some Comms research paper and read a book about Target and why they are so successful. I only read about half of it due to my amount of procrastination and it not being the true subject of my assigned topic and luck in library due dates (yes, I know about renewing. I did it twice.) So I told myself I would read it when I have more time. Hummm. If only I had more time AND could remember the name of the book. I guess I could read through my research papers from college and see if I referenced it correctly. But man, I need time for that too. Anyway.

So dear Target: I love you. Happy Thanksgiving. I'll see you several times next week, as always.
XOXO, Nancy

ps: there is a total ban on anyone making a comment here about their dislike of Target. This is my blog and I say so. Plus I always protect what I love.

pps: this post is dedicated to Nikki, Heidi, Melanie and Bryce (He has to go there a lot. At least he can get a dedication. Think of it like the beginning of a children's book. Doncha ever wish that was you?)


Jessica Gonzalez said...

I love, love, LOVE this commercial. And, every time I see it I think of you! I never realized her name was Nancy though! That's perfect! :-)

The Shark said...

Man, she even has red plateware...

Millar said... second home. Great post Nancy.

K said...

LOVED it. But oh, shoot - now I have to think about actually getting matching dishes and stuff for Thanksgiving. I've hosted about thirty three of them, and none of them EVER looked that good. A centerpiece - maybe that's what I need?

Ginna said...

I love target too. What can I say? I was thinking about it the other day and I realized that Target has to be my favorite store. I actually like going there. I hate going to the grocery store, but for some strange reason I love good old tarjay.

Katie said...

Who doesn't love Target? I didn't know there were people like that out there. ;) I must say though, Target does hold a very special place in my heart (partially because I met my wonderful husband there). But any time of any single day EVER I would much rather spend a couple of extra bucks and go enjoy the experience of Target then put my life in mortal danger by trying WalMart. YUCK!

Melanie said...

Awww...a post dedicated to me. And I do love Target, too, for all the same lovely reasons. Plus they are super cool with returns.

Jord&Kira Lynch said...

I love Target too. It is my 3rd love:)