I've had a few random things on my mind. I have wanted to blog about all of these different things, but I am not sold on each of the ideas. Apparently I have been tagged on Joellen's blog, but I never got a notice from her. I saw it on her blog eventually. I guess I will have to do that tonight too.
1. I hate Ryan on "The Office." I have always thought he was a prick. Tonight he really drove me crazy. I will leave it at that for those of you who haven't watched it yet.
2. I have wanted to blog about one of my favorite groups on facebook. It's called "Awkward Engagement Pictures Rock my Socks" or something to that effect. Here are a few of the reasons why I like it:
Exhibit A) Please notice the pictures loaded on this post. These pictures are merely promoting the group itself and not used with permission of the couple, even though the group claims so.
Exhibit B) I love to read people's comments on the photos.
Exhibit C) There will always be more photos added to the site because there will always be people uncomfortable with themselves.
I have also wanted to write about More Tips on Going to Disneyland, but I am not sure how much my other tips people will really take to heart. The other advice I would offer is about why we fly down.
I still like Desmond the most from LOST.
Magleby's Fresh is my new favorite restaurant in Utah Valley.
I got the best birthday cards for Clay and Sterling. I want to write about them, but it would ruin the surprise. Sterling will have to blog about it in 7 weeks.
We move in 3 and a half weeks. (That was for you, Shark!)
My RSS feed feature of my Mac Mail wouldn't download any new feeds for about 6 weeks. One night I opened my mail and I had about 115 new blog posts to read.
I just started editing "50 Ways to Score More Goals." I just finished logging it yesterday. I have started to sync the multiclips today. I am about half way done there. I would like to devote more time to it, but I don't get paid for it until it is all done. I am trying to squeeze it in throughout render times and burning sessions.
That's all for now folks. I hope to see Ironman soon. I am glad it got good reviews.
Let me know which topic you want to hear more about.
Iron Man and Desmond. 'Nuff said.
I also think Ryan's a jerk, but I think this character is developing realistically. Jan, on the other hand, is the only character who is developing in a way with which I take issue. I don't think she'd have snapped as badly as she has.
Iron man was fun. Not art, but fun. Murphy: thumbs up. Char: Thumbs down. I think Guy might have slept through it.
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