Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Part 1A: Trip to L.A. & Phoenix

We are at our hotel now, The Anaheim Hilton. Sounds rough. Oddly enough, we stayed here via Priceline.com a few months ago. We were not impressed. So when we pricelined this hotel again, we asked for the recently remodeled room. I will post pictures soon of the room. It is great. There is a 32 inch or so flat screen LG LCD screen, a king size bed, a nice desk, and our hotel is on the northeast corner. That means we have a view of the park and of Angel Stadium.

Anyway, the whole point of me staying up to write this was to tell a few things that people said to us about Derek today. 
"He's cute. Did you make it?" 
This was said to Nancy in the bathroom of Angel Stadium as she was changing his poopy diaper. (Earlier, I posted that the question was "Did you make him?" I was so tired last night that I messed up the story). 

"He's so cute. Is he auditioning?"
I heard this in the elevator of the Disney Studio. No, we weren't auditioning. However, Derek was ready to bark at any squirrel on the campus. 

Pictures and more stories to come, plus updates on our new home. 


the Danosaur said...

"Did you make him?" !?!? Please tell me someone under the age of 12 said this.

ScottB said...

Thanks for the idea! I can make a new website now: funnybutdumbthingspeoplesay.com

Too funny though!