Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Time for Answers

Nancy and I have been re-watching our favorite TV show, LOST. We are watching Season 3 again so that we can be ready for the premiere next week. So the word "answers" has been on my mind. Rather than lead you along in the depths of unanswered curiosities I decided today would be a great time to give back to my blog community by answering some of your questions from the comments section.

From "The name is appropriate. Is it not?"
-Brad M- No, I do not drink Red Bull. I would rather go with Mountain Dew code red and I don't even trust Mountain Dew since I last drank Mountain Mist in Michigan as a ninth grader.
-Ginna- I do believe that the office will come back someday. It's too great of a show to not ever come back. It will be interesting to see who comes back though. I haven't looked at this site in a while, but I used to go to http://www.officetally.com/the-office-season-4-spoilers.

From "My brother, the ewok"
- Ginna- Clay will be coming home this september. There is no pouch to Brazil anymore. Sad day, eh.
-Jello- Yes, you do need a vacation. Mom wants to have you guys down sometime. Mike Owen and his wife Claire would probably come too. We will have to see... Too bad not many live here anymore, at least I am meaning too bad Nate Robison doesn't.
-K- Yes, I do miss Clay dearly. Especially at family parties. I tend to write the material and Clay presents it. Apparently though, I should be on strike now.

"Taco Amigo"
-Ginna- Burgers has declined in taste. Sorry to tell ya that.


Ginna said...

we've been watching lost too, it's fun. But won't there only be a few episodes this season because of all the hoopla? The strike sure does bum me out, we've been enjoying our TV lately since we never get to actually go out on dates.
Thanks for answering all my questions, I feel extra special now.